Indoor Autonomous Takeoff Oscillation

Hi guys newbie here, I’m trying to make indoor autonomous takeoff and landing using pixhawk cube, but after takeoff, the vehicle just oscillates for a few seconds until it reaches the intended altitude, my question is how to make the oscillation process less time-consuming?

I have tried change K.p altitude climb to 0.5 and 1.071, but no change is still oscillating. Any solution sir?

My hardware :
FC : Pixhawk Cube Black
Mini PC : Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Range Sensor : Benwake TF mini plus (facing down for read altitude)

here my bin file.



here my param :
os.param (17.8 KB)

I have same issue like that, i’m setting P AlthHold but not get good solution, is you there have the same problem and get the solution of this problem?, thanks.