Incredible speed with mission planner

I apologize if this should go somewhere else on the forum, but the question does contain specific questions about mission planner. Also, I’m a complete novice to this field, so some of my questions may seem silly.

What I’m trying to do

I’d like to get a racing copter, something similar to the Alien 6". I want to get it as close to 100 mph as possible. I’m not set on any hardware yet, but that’s just the general frame idea I have.

I’d like to set way points on Mission Planner, and have it go from point A, to point B, as quickly as possible. I don’t care about going through obstacles, and I’m not actually racing this against anyone, I simply want a UAV to go as quickly as possible, from point A to point B, in a straight line. As a bonus, it would be cool if it could turn around slowly, and come back…but going from point A to point B is the only requirement.

What problems I’ve run into

From what I’ve read I need to use a racing Flight Controller, but the closest thing I’ve seen to a racing FC that is Mission Planner compatible is the Pixracer.

My real questions

Has anyone seen anything like this attempted with Mission Planner?

Am I correct in saying that Pixracer is the only racing FC (or ultra lightweight FC) that’s compatible with Mission Planner?

Any help is appreciated.

you should be able to do everything you are asking.

I would suggest trying the SITL simulator built into MP. then you can play with the firmware, to tweak settings.