Increase logging rate of logger.write and RC-Out


for a project at university I want to introduce a flutter signal into the control surfaces of a plane and then analyze the behavior. I aim for frequencies with at least 10Hz, so I’m running my script at 100Hz. The problem is that logging doesn’t keep up.
Here you can see a part of a log from a simulation I ran:

The blue line is my calculated cosine function, logged from inside my lua script. In orange you can see the value mapped onto a servo, so logged from ArduPilot directly.
At first it seemed to me, that the script couldn’t keep up, but then I just used gcs:sendtext and printed all the values to MissionPlanner, resulting in this graph:
Position und Servo
Both graphs come from the same simulation run. So I conclude that the script is able to keep up, but the logging is the bottleneck.

How can I increase the rate? Especially the one coming out from Lua would be interesting, because then I could just log the required servo channels and don’t have to increase the logging rate of the whole RC-Out package, which is probably hard coded somewhere… Or should I just use the workaround of sending everything to the ground station and converting it to a csv manually?

Some more information: I’m using SITL Plane on dev through MissionPlanner on Windows and I set SERVO_RATE to 200Hz, LOG_FILE_BUFSIZE to 400.

Thank you