Hi there,
I know that the version 3.2 is normally out of support, but my hope is, that I have make a mistake or must change only an unknown parameter.
I use the Mini APM Pro in a small Hex-copter ( T-Drones 380 mm ) with the version 3.2. The 3.2.1 should have a not so good behavior in POS_HOLD, ALT_HOLD like the Version 3.2.
In the last time I was busy to fly / check / change the PID’s. P and D looks like OK now in the different flight modes.
In Sport Mode the climb and more (for me) urgent climb and descend speed is to low and I want increase them.
The WIKI said for this one: "It will climb or descend at up to 2.5m/s (this speed is adjustable with the PILOT_VELZ_MAX parameter) "
If I change the PILOT_VELZ_MAX and / or PILOT_ACCEL_Z; I couldn’t see any effect in Sport Mode.
Changes with this values are visible e.g. in POS_HOLD .
Another thing is, that I believe, that is not OK:
If I put the Throttle Stick in Sport Mode to 0, that Motors are stopped immediately in the air and the
copter is falling like a stone from the sky. I would expect, that throttle 0 means, that the max. assigned descend speed will be reached. Like Alt_Hold / POS_Hold. That’s the way, how I understood the WIKI.
After upgrade the APM to Version 3.2 I’ve make a factory reset. So I didn’t believe that I have some problems about a dirty update.
Does someone have an idea, what’s going wrong, or what does I miss?
I haven’t found any information about this issue in the Internet.