I have read many topics about manual tuning including Dave C method, but i think the method is suitable for ACRO mode, and too much PID parameters need to be tuned. So, i tried to in-flight tuning in Stablize mode.
My Copter is :
DJI F550
1038 flames
DJI motors kv 920
2200mah 3s battery
My tuning steps are:
(1) start with default parameters
(2) tuning Stablize P and the result is 3.6
(3) tuning Rate P and the result is 0.136
(4) finished
the Logs are attached.
My problems are:
(1) How to evaluate the tuning results? I have compared the Rollin and Roll of log, i do not know whether the result is good?
(2) I find that many auto tuning results has bigger Stab P and lower Rate P, but i can not obtain such parameters in inflight tuning, why? Is there any advantages of auto tuning results?
(3) I have tuned Stab P and Rate P, and i found that Stab P has bigger influence on flight than Rate P, because it will lead to larger vibration, but the instruction tells us that the Rate P is more important, why?
(4) I found that the Rate P is available from 0.136 to 0.2 during my inflight tuning( both LOGs are attached), so i do not know which value has best performance, is there any method to choose the best Rate P?
(5) Do i need to continue to tuning Rate I and Rate D? how about the steps?
(6) If i want to improve the flight performance against wind, how to tune the PID parameters? should i increases Rate I for 20%?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions!