Using MAVFTP to upload files results in a “file not found” error.
How can I resolve this issue?
What autopilot are you using?
pixhawk 2.4.8
The error message is as follows
File Not Found
於 MissionPlanner.ArduPilot.Mavlink.MAVFtp.kCmdCalcFileCRC32(String file, UInt32& crc32, CancellationTokenSource cancel) 於 C:\Users\mich1\Desktop\CubePilot\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\ArduPilot\Mavlink\MAVFtp.cs: 行 966
於 MissionPlanner.Controls.MavFTPUI.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.b__2(IProgressReporterDialogue iprd) 於 C:\Users\mich1\Desktop\CubePilot\MissionPlanner\Controls\MavFTPUI.cs: 行 419
於 MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue.RunBackgroundOperation(Object o) 於 C:\Users\mich1\Desktop\CubePilot\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\Controls\ProgressReporterDialogue.cs: 行 111
I don’t think there’s a variant of that autopilot that even supports scripting at all.
If you do happen to have a 2MB version, and the scripting feature is enabled, I wouldn’t expect much from it.
Make sure your SD card is formatted and installed correctly.
Alright, I’ll test it out. Thank you for your assistance.
You will likely end up in the same place as some other F4 based Flight Controllers with 2Mb of flash like a Pixracer. Scripting can be enabled but not much if anything can be accomplished.
Thank you for your advice…^^