I am using a pixracer R15 from mRobotics.
I’m trying to figure out which IMUs are actually on the board.
When I run the “devid” command in manvproxy, it lists MPU6000 for IMU1 and MPU9250 for IMU2.
MPU9250 makes sense since it’s listed in the mRobotics specs page here and I can see it on the pcb (see pics below) but MPU6000 is odd (it’s not listed on the mRobotics website).
Does anybody know if there actually is an MPU6000 on prixracer R15?
Just got the answer below from mRobotics. Problem solved!
“The R15 Pixracer uses the following sensors:
ICM-20602 or ICM-20608
Because the MPU6000/ICM-20602/ICM-20608 use the same driver the software maybe reporting the original MPU6000 device.”