I’ve posted a similar message on the CubePilot forum - I’m not sure if the participants are the same.
Digging into the EKF3/IMU failure I reported yesterday, I discovered that the reported IMU Heater performed quite differently between a flight with the failure, and a successful flight.
I’m wondering if this points to a possible hardware failure of my Orange Cube.
Does anyone know if the ArduCopter firmware has any control over the Orange Cube IMU Heater?
The top graph on the attached image is from the “third” test flight - a successful flight.
The bottom graph on the attached image is from the “first” test flight - where the EKF3/IMU failures occurred.
I’d be curious to hear anyone’s thoughts about this. Many Thanks!
Link to “first” flight’s bin file - where the problem occurred:
Link to “third” flight’s bin file - where the flight was normal: