Images for APM Wiki or Works

Hi all,

In the development of my master’s thesis, I found it difficult to find good references with high quality images that could illustrate well what I wanted to explain.

As ArduPlane was part of the development of my work, I would like to contribute with the images that I created with good quality, to serve for wiki or works that are done in the area.

The captions and indicators in the images are both in “Brazil Portuguese pt-BR”, but can be easily edited and changed.

Please, if you are interest to use the images, no problems, is only to reference my work using this citation:

OLIVEIRA, Hugo A. Controle de Atitude Adaptativo Neuro-fuzzy Genético para um Veículo Aéreo não Tripulado Autônomo. 2017. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sistemas e Computação) - Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, 2017.

#6DoF of a Plane

control Surfaces

plane Roll

plane Pitch

plane Yaw


#For the state variables study

#PDF with images, for the state variables study

droll.pdf (75.8 KB)
dpitch.pdf (123.3 KB)
dyaw.pdf (94.3 KB)

Thanks to all!

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