Imagery Not Loading

This is probably addressed someone where else. I have Mission Planner build 1.1.5269.31980. And for my area the map is not loading. The error message on the screen is “Exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. We are sorry, but we don’t have imagery at this zoom level for this region.” I’ve zoomed in and zoomed out but still no joy. This is on the Flight Data screen. Lat/Long approximately Lat: 33.5 Long -88.5



In Mission Planner’s Flight Plan tab, over on the right, there is a pulldown under the text “Grid” and “View KML”. That pulldown lets you select different map providers. I believe the default is “GoogleHybridMap” but you can change that.

When I get the issue you describe (very rare, but it happens) I switch to “BingHybridMap” and it works. Can you try that and report back?

404 is the server MP is reaching out to, and is saying “I do not have the map data you’re requesting.” That could be a few different things, but, try changing your map provider to see if that at least gets you back up and running.

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Wow! That did it! Thanks!!