First of all, I would like to state that I am a beginner in these works.I have to do image processing with Pixhawk Cube for my homework.I will use raspbbery pi 3+ and camera.Is there anyone who can submit a basic document on this subject?or is there someone to help me do my homework by contacting me?I hope I opened the subject to the right place.
Thanks have a good day
Here is one I have done a few years ago. The original version was running on something similar to a Pi4
Thanks for your answer. But I’m very new to this job. Your project follow the ballons but I want to drawing a road map to Pixhawk by perceiving color. I use to Pixhawk Cube , Here GPS , Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and his own camera. Only we want to how can we autonomous driving road to Pixhawk Cube (QGroundControl).