Over the last 4 years I have been making no progress. In fact every new copter and every new software upgrade makes my copters perform worse and worse.
It may be that the new software becomes more and more complex with more parameters that need to be carefully addressed. Since I’m not an expert in Arducopter software, before I throw a towel, I’d like to work with a developer who is working on the single-copter software. Perhaps it would benefit both of us as I can provide some valuable data.
Below is a short history along with log files from the latest flights.
I achieved nice and stable flights with Arducopter v3.4 Almost rock solid hover over a point and nice, slow and straight landings. That was 4 years ago and a video of my first copter in Loiter and RTL modes is below. There was quite a breeze. Unfortunately no log:
The latest tests from today are below. It’s the latest copter and software (v4.2). I did it in my backyard to protect the copter from any wind. All I wanted was to get to 2 m, hover over one point and land. All loiter and land or RTL.
As you can see it will not hold position or attitude. Every switching to Land or RTL results with weird behavior. It usually descends much faster than years ago although the land speed is the same (30 cm/s). It will jump up before descending, go sideways, and the attitude log is very much a jig saw.
I will switch to v3.6 to compare, but before I do that I wanted to post what I got to date.
Quick Loiter and Land modes video: https://youtu.be/x_1M-09A97k
Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VJQI4JPpQ1uPNyN6LpEgty_FmW3cc5fW/view?usp=sharing
Attempt to hover over a point; it dropped down by itself: https://youtu.be/UmH34v5OikA
Attempt to hover and quick RTL: https://youtu.be/-NArmxi5i7o
Combined log for both: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_SwmAzQqHRG0GuU6hZ9rgcSDG-ssOhv/view?usp=sharing