I2C Maxbotix range finder on Pixracer

Ok , this is just a testing hardware on the table so when i start the building i will try to power the sonar from an external bec

Thank you very much

@ppoirier, hi, before testing with FDTI, I just get today by post from robotshop another MB1242. I proceed to the same tests and always same problem as described above. So, as I had to modify lot of times my serial values for telemetry and OSD purposes, I really suspect that I modified some parameters and this could be the cause for me. To resume, I have no problem when connected to USB, I get range value (and sometimes Bad Lidar Health message, I do not know why), but when connected WIFI UDP, I have no range displayed. Attached some printscreens of my SERIAL and RNGFND, maybe you will find there something bad…

Looks ok
If you really want to make sure , save , reset and just set the randefinder to type 2

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Thanks, I will do an all reset, it good sometimes, but do you know what I hate with Pixracer and MP? Doing Compass Calibration… So easy to proceed with PX4 and QGC… But a nightmare in MP, compass stays in red zone, and you have to do it again… No problem with Pixhawk… It’s out of topic, I know but is it a simple way to reset everything and keep the compass parameter? Copying manually the parameters? Which one? Thanks, Chris

Ok, with Compare Param, I can get my old parameters I choose, right? Now I have tested with the resseted parameters and I have always my problem. So for me, not possible at all to use Wifi UDP connexion and having range finder working. What do you suggest? Do you have the same config as me? I mean Pixracer with 8266 and range finder?

@chris661 well… you convinced me to try to put the ESP8266 module back on the PixRacer and check on Mission Planner and I confirm there is NO sonar range being displayed on Mission Planner 1.3.49. on UDP

The RangeFinder signal is transported through MavLinl because I can read it with Qcgroundcontrol.

@Michael_Oborne do you have any suggestions ?

@ppoirier, @Michael_Oborne, I stay available for testing, and appreciate your help. A nice day, Chris

@ppoirier, now flying without any groundstation Wifi connected. One point, the value Alt that I get from frsky telemetry in my Taranis Display should be a calculation between baro and rangefinder values? Right? But I’m not sure it’s doing it this way, how to check? I take off with Alt Hold Flightmode, I stabilised the Quad at around 1 meter, I read this value on my screen, ok. But then, I landed and took the quad by hand and place it over an 50cm object, but I saw no difference, Like the Alt indicated is only the Baro altitude. What’s your point of view? Thanks, Chris

If you want to fly with rangefinder as primary, you have to set http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#ek2-alt-source-primary-altitude-sensor-source

sorry not sure to understand, I thought the range finder was used to improve measurements given by gps and baro, this is not the case? reading the link you provided me, I understand that a range finder can only be used in conjunction with an

yes it is, but by default it is the baro that is the main altimeter

And this parameter WPNAV_RFND_USE set to 1?

do you have some news about this or do I have to open an issue?

No news yet, here is what I wrote here: https://gitter.im/ArduPilot/MissionPlanner
patrickpoirier51 @patrickpoirier51 sept. 26 07:48
@meee1 can you take a look at this issue = No rangefinder on display when using PixRacer + rangeFinder on UDP (works with Serial) I2C Maxbotix range finder on Pixracer

But @meee1 hs not looked at it yet.

You can open an issue , it might help

thanks, will try, nice we, Chris

I updated the ESP8266 firmware and it resolved the issue.
Try it : https://pixhawk.org/peripherals/8266

great, will try, with version 1.1.1 right? thanks again, Chris

sorry for long time non answering, yes it solved my problem, thanks

hi, PX4FLOW 2.1, any significant improvement from 1.3.1? same compatibility? thanks, Chris

Flying with both, no difference