I need help for radio telemetri connection

I have Yrrc 433 Mhz radio telemetri i can connect with cable on the laptop. But I can’t connect without the usb cable. If I connect with cable then the situation is like below. But I don’t use the cablo i can’t connect

How is the base radio is connected to the MP and what ports?
Also, what lights are on/blinking on the radios (base and remote)?

Base radio Com3 (my pc see on the com3) baud 57600
If i don’t use usb cable on the remote telemetry.
Base radio green blinking
Remote radio red blinking

If i use usb cable on the remote telemetry.
Base radio green on / red blinking
Remote radio green on/ red blinking

I had this problem once. One thing is you may need to do is install the right driver. The new driver that comes with windows didn’t work for me. I had to downgrade to an earlier version of the driver.

There’s a link to the driver on this wiki page: 3DR Radio v1 — Copter documentation

Another problem is that I had the radio set to mavlink1 instead of mavlink2. On a pixhawk 2.4.8 connected to telemetry port 2, the parameter SERIAL2_PROTOCOL must be set to “2”. Or if the telemetry radio is plugged into TELEM1, parameter SERIAL1_PROTOCOL must be set to “2”

I tried but it’s not working. I can see on pc this is okey but i can’t connect base radio and remote radio

I have no issues with either Windows 11 nor 10 using radios SiK ver 2 from Mrobotics.

Both Green lights need to be solid when the radios are connected. When you connect the base radio to the USB port do you hear a connection tone from the PC?

Probably you have visited this document already but just in case: Configuring a Telemetry Radio using Mission Planner

Re-check also, the wires on the FC to the remote radio are correct. That was my issue when I installed it for the first time :grin: