I need a reminder about the AUX ports allowed for bdshot

I’m preparing to try the CubePilot EDU-450 Carrier board.

This board has a rather arrangement for the servo rail header pins.

Unless they are somewhere else on the board, it appears that pins for Aux-1, Aux-2, Aux-7 and Aux-8 are missing.

I know I can probably find this in the wiki, but because it was under some development and has had changes since bdshot was first available, I thought maybe I should ask this question here:

I seem to recall that bdshot requires contiguous Aux ports - starting at Aux-1 or Aux-5. And as I recall, the Main ports do not support bdshot - but maybe this was a recent change.

If there’s someone with up to date info on this, I’d appreciate a comment helping me with this information.


Typically, AUX2-AUX5 are the recommended outputs for Cube Orange BDSHOT.

@andyp1per made some progress on BDSHOT via IOMCU, expanding many board capabilities along the way. He may be able to shed some additional light on the subject.

I have one of these carriers and found it to be a little frustrating to configure and wire, despite the seemingly friendly layout. I’ve yet to fly it.

Thanks Yuri -

Interesting - I seem to recall the requirement of using Aux-1 for bdshot. I wonder when it changed.

I’m at the age where faulty memory comes into play - maybe I have it wrong.

I’ve started a thread about my questions on the CubePilot forum: A few questions about ports on the EDU-450 carrier board - Cubepilot

Technically, BDSHOT is supported on all 6 FMU outputs of the Cube Orange. You may have touched on an error in the wiki in the issue you raised, suggesting that we have conflated passthrough configuration on AUX1 with BDSHOT support.

Would be good to hear from Andy to confirm.

Main out 1-4 are available only via the AMASS connectors, and I ended up using Andy’s new DSHOT over IOMCU support to make use of them on that carrier.

The Cube has only 6 AUX pins.

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You are so right regarding only 6 AUX ports - my bad! That what I get for having my head in other things for the past 6 months…

But I’m still curious about Aux-1 and Aux-2 on this board.

With the right connectors Main-1 through Main-4 are available on the AMAS connectors - irregular - but possible. Oddly - Main-5 through Main-8 are available both on AMAS connectors (on the bottom) and the servo rail.

No doubt - it is an unusual carrier board.