I have some questions to the AUTO missions with pixhawk


i have some questions to the AUTO missions with pixhawk

usualy i upload my mission, arm, take off in stabilize than switch auto and wait until the copter does RTL and fine :slight_smile:
is it possible to start a auto mission just with a switch from the ground ?
for example plug in battery, upload mission, wait for gps… use the safety switch, switch to AUTO, then arm an the copter will take off automaticly?


It currently does this aside from the automatically taking off when switching to auto. Switch to Auto,arm, move the the throttle to a non-zero position and the auto mission should start.

Just to be pedantic :slight_smile:

You cannot arm in Auto mode.
So the procedure will be:
Switch to auto
Move throttle

If you are in auto and try to arm you will get the message “mode not armable”