I cannot make operative the chanel 7 on my Pixhawk Autopilot

Dear sirs, using the Pixhawk autopilot with EzUHF JR module and EzUHF 8 chanel Rx, I set up all the chanels on Ardupilot with no problems, it recognizes all in the calibration mode except the chanel 7. The radio is the Turnigy 9XR with the firmware opentx-r2940. The chanel 7 is set on the Tx as a pan chanel with the fat shark camera, and the chanel 6 with the tilt option, tilt operates well with the pot 1, but pan function even thowgh appears ok in the radio pannel, does not appear on the calibration and do not have any effect on the servos, what happen? Thank you for your assistance.

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How did you solve it?

I put the pan function on channel 4 (rudder channel, but in the Phantom FX61, there is no rudder), and uses the channel 6 for tilt servo, operated by one of the pots.

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