I can not find the function Servo Gripper

I can not find the function Servo Gripper in Rover V3.5.2 (16a1b5fc)
Please help me find it Or that it doesn’t exist in this version

it depends on the flight controller your using, some have it disabled to save flash space.

pix 2.4.8 FC
Rover 3.5.2 official FW

how to enable it on rover 3.5.2

what firmware board are you running? it should tell you when you first connect in the mission planner messages window.

nothing show

pix 2.4.8 FC
Rover 3.5.2 official FW

Set and RCx Option to Gripper and Servo out function to EPM (28). should work.

PLS show me
i config SERVO7_FUNCTION = 28 = EMP

Alternatively flash Rover 4.0.0-rc1 (beta) and the Gripper parameters that are in Copter will be there. I have done quite a bit of driving with this beta and all is good.

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yessss I overlook the beta? i get

I think you will be OK with the Beta release. I feel more confident with Rover beta and dev releases because they can’t fall out if the sky :grinning:

Is the reason I came down to play Rover

I’ll rename the parameter docs for SERVOx_FUNCTION = 28 from “EPM” (the old name") to “Gripper”. Thanks!

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