Hybrid drone- generator HUD display not showing up

hello greetings!
i have hexacopter running with CubeOrange+ and with a foxtech Halo-6000 generator,
in mission planner i couldn’t get to open the generator HUD display,



generator data line is connected through telemetry 2 port. heartbeat and other info is there.
i have attached the status and mavlink inspector data below.


can anyone point of out a reason, why mission planner is not displaying the generator hud display?
or is there any data anomaly in the required data.
or is there a manual method to get the display hud to open.

thank you
any tip would be highly appreciated.

Is it meant to be a custom version of MissionPlanner??
There’s no mention of anything about GCS on the Foxtech website or in the manual or software download for that generator.
For the price I’d be wanting them to come and start it for me each flight :slight_smile:

OK, there’s a generator plugin, which seems to be loaded by default.
So maybe the plugin is not seeing the correct data - checking more…

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hi, @xfacta according to foxtech they use normal mission planner, and they also currently trying to help with troubleshoot.
but still no luck.

I cant tell without knowing more about this stuff unfortunately.
I guess you’ve updated MissionPlanner to latest Beta.

Maybe over to someone with a generator to answer

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hi thank you.
i used a old mission planner version 1.3.77 in that its working .

issue is in the 1.3.79 latest mission planner

what version of mission planner are you running?

can you open MP
and press
and see if “generator” is in the list?

hello sir, this is the version i m using, i re downloaded the latest one today( 10/jan/2023)

and the generator is there.

This seems pretty strange… the generator screen should appear as soon as you are receiving GENERATOR_STATUS Mav Message…

@RAZOR15000 Were you able to get all things together? I’m also having some trouble here.