Huge deflection in Right Tail of inverted V-tail VTOL IN Q_LOITER mode!

Hi everyone, I had a flight yesterday in VTOL-Fixed wing, in FW it was flying normal, but when transitioned back to QUAD in Q_LOITER the right control surface of the inverted V-TAIL had huge Jitter, as per the attacehd video in the drive and .bin Landed and took-off again in Q_LOITER to double check and observed the same. attached the .bin file in the below link.

Exact time in video was 0:07 - 0:08

Will it be a faulty servo issue? or any bug in the firmware?

Which FW version? We can guess… but it might be inaccurate :wink:

sorry i missed out, Arduplane 4.3.7

Test the servo using a servo tester. Update to latest stable ArduPlane firmware.

Yes, did a bench test and found servo working normal.