User Item variables shown on HUD freezes sometimes.
You can see in the picture below, that AS:38.7 and User Item airspeed: 0.001. All variables around the edges of HUD works perfectly but, all variables selected from User Items freeze. When I add a new User Item, everything works perfectly until they freeze again.
when the issue occurs, is the status tab still updating.
just trying to track down what is going on
Yes. Telemetry is alive. As you can see in the picture below.
HUD airspeed (User Item) : 1.56 (frozen)
HUD AS : 3.3 (live and correct)
Status airspeed :3.345351 (live and correct)
Also all of the "User Item"s added on the HUD are frozen.
When I remove an item, remaining “User Items” are still frozen.
However, they become live when I add another “User Item”.
what where you doing before this happened?
currently MP updates the data source on any change of primary tab window, on connect, and on mav vehicle change. so I’m not sure where its failing. just trying to narrow this down.
I didnt notice any specific reason that triggers this problem.
I mostly see this problem when connected to UAV via USB, on the ground for a long time and tweaking with the parameters.
Freezing problem also occurs when I replay .tlogs.