How/where to see Super/Simple Mode in Logs?

The dataflash logs contain “mode” entries which show Stabilize, Loiter, etc…

Where are the “simple” and “super simple” mode augments to the current flight mode located? I’m running MP 1.3.5 with FW 1.3.2 on a stock 3DR RTF 2014 Quad.

e.g., when I’m in Stabilize mode with Simple mode, the log Mode shows “Stabilize”. I can obviously see my RC switch for Super/Simple modes but I want to know where to tell if APM really thinks it’s in Simple mode.

Why? I had a crash today coming out of Loiter to Simple Stabilize mode and it seems as if Simple mode got “lost” because my RC inputs followed the orientation of the quad, not it’s orientation to me (which was 90 degrees different). The quad was almost directly in front of me right where it started in Simple mode. i.e., it wasn’t behind me or anything.

I guess what I’m looking for would be for the HUD or logs to show “Simple Stabilize” or “Simple Loiter” someplace.

Where to find the Super/Simple augmentation in the logs?



I understand that you can’t see in logs

I think you can.

This is from this page: … n-planner/

[quote]D32, DU32 (single data values which are either signed 32bit integers or unsigned 32bit integers):

id: identification number for the variable. There are only two possible values

7 = bit mask of internal state. The meaning of individual bits can be found in ArduCopter.pde’s definition of the ap structure. … r.pde#L361

9 = simple mode’s initial heading in centi-degrees[/quote]

in that file this is what we find:

[quote]//Documentation of GLobals:
static union {
struct {
uint8_t home_is_set : 1; // 0
uint8_t simple_mode : 2; // 1,2 // This is the state of simple mode : 0 = disabled ; 1 = SIMPLE ; 2 = SUPERSIMPLE
uint8_t pre_arm_rc_check : 1; // 3 // true if rc input pre-arm checks have been completed successfully
uint8_t pre_arm_check : 1; // 4 // true if all pre-arm checks (rc, accel calibration, gps lock) have been performed
uint8_t auto_armed : 1; // 5 // stops auto missions from beginning until throttle is raised
uint8_t logging_started : 1; // 6 // true if dataflash logging has started
uint8_t land_complete : 1; // 7 // true if we have detected a landing
uint8_t new_radio_frame : 1; // 8 // Set true if we have new PWM data to act on from the Radio
uint8_t CH7_flag : 2; // 9,10 // ch7 aux switch : 0 is low or false, 1 is center or true, 2 is high
uint8_t CH8_flag : 2; // 11,12 // ch8 aux switch : 0 is low or false, 1 is center or true, 2 is high
uint8_t usb_connected : 1; // 13 // true if APM is powered from USB connection
uint8_t rc_receiver_present : 1; // 14 // true if we have an rc receiver present (i.e. if we’ve ever received an update
uint8_t compass_mot : 1; // 15 // true if we are currently performing compassmot calibration
uint8_t motor_test : 1; // 16 // true if we are currently performing the motors test
uint32_t value;
} ap;[/quote]

So its coded in binary format in the D32 or DU32 parameter, when it is 7. So maybe someone can decode that number down to these bits. and see when simple or super simple mode was on/off.
We will need the log file for that.

I see that ther is a bin calc here: … &x=57&y=23
But from my logs I get 20 bits and not 16 as in the file. hmm