I want to replicate the RCIN received via the SBUSo port of the Pixhawk.
I am setting following parameters to do so:
But still I am unable to see any SBUSo Signal from my Pixhawk port.
I have a gimbal which takes SBUs as input. If I directly connect the RC to that gimbal it works fine. But If I use the SBUSo port, I could not see the required behavior. Could anyone tell me what could I have set wrong in this case.
You also have to have something set in the SERVO params as an output, like a gimbal or an RC passthrough.
I dont think motor outputs will be replicated to SBUSout.
I have a doubt that SBUSout should be independent of the SERVOx_Function and RCx_OPTION.
I am thinking that the SBUSout is just a way to exactly replicate what we are getting through RCIN.
SBUS out doesnt just blindly replicate whatever comes in on RC channels. That would be chaos.
It will replicate what you have in RCin (for example) if you set a SERVO12_FUNCTION to be something like 58 (RCIN8) to pass RC channel 8 out servo channel 12.
In the link I posted it sets some servo channels to gimbal mount options so you can point the mount with misison commands and do much more than just relying on RC passthrough.
And in keeping with that theme, the RC channel options are set to be the mount control RC inputs, so you can still control the mount manually if you wish.