How to tune large catamaran with vectored and differential thrust

I am currently tuning a large catamaran drone and am running into problems. Propulsion is provided by a single vectored propeller at the stern of each hull. Right now, ThrottleLeft and ThrottleRight and GroundSteering are both set so there is a combination of vectored thrust and differential thrust. However, this causes the craft to snake when it should go in a straight line. Disabling vectoring and only using skid steering largely eliminates this issue but makes the craft a lot less manuverable than when both were enabled. The leading theory is that the autopilot is assuming there’s only one type of steering is uses and thus doublecounting some kind of tuning value. Is there some way where I can have both vectoring and differential thrust without causing snaking. Here is the log file form the latest test. The first half has vectoring and diff where the second has just diff.

I would suggest tuning the turn rate controller following the instructions here: Tuning Turn Rate — Rover documentation

If it turns more because of combining vectoring and skid steering you can turn down the gains. I have a catamaran boat that uses differential thrust and rudders and it works fine, but every vehicle must be tuned. You may also have to tune the pivot turns parameters.

i see. I will try that on the next test.