How to set POI in the air - without MP

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to set the poi while the copter is in the air by switching a switch on the rc? I would like to use circle mode anytime I want. Hovering over an object set a new poi and the circle around it. No need to have mission planner etc. This feature would be very helpful.

Is this planned or somthing similar?


You can set a flight mode as circle and pick your radius.Other than that you’ll need Tower or something similar on a tablet/phone.

@Jagger thanks for your response.
So you suggest to set a radius in MP and then on the fild just go to circle mode if I need a shot.

This will work i gess, and if I set the speed on a knob this will also be ok.

This solution is just not as sexy as the dji solution. (I’m not a dji fan) but this is very very cool, in my opinion.

Yep.That’s about it.Unless you get Tower or similar on a tablet/phone when you can order it what to do from the tablet,which I guess is a bit more phantomish.I wouldn’t have one either.But you can normally do or outdo a phantom with all the flexibility we have in the open sourceiness.It just takes a bit of lateral thought sometimes.