How To Set Different Prop.Size: Front And Back, of A Quadplane ? Need Advice Pls

Hello guys,
I need to configure a quadplane with same motor size, but different prop.size. Front 20" (motor 1 and 3), while back 22" (motor 3 and 4). This is because prop.size 22" is too big at front that will touch the forward prop. From Thrust test there is no problem to use 20" or 22" prop. If I use all prop.22" , throttle is only 30% during hover…But if I use all prop. 20", throttle is much higher.
So I prefer to use 22" back and 20" front… My question is, do I need to set a kind of “offset” for front motor (motor 1 and 3) to compensate of using smaller prop…? If yes, how ? What parameter should I change??
The quadplane can do good stable hover using 22" prop. I need advice from experts here…

Thank you