How to see the checksum of the code flashed to the drone?

Hi all, I’m facing one issue regarding the Arducopter using Visual studio code and i clone the Arducopter code from the git hub and i import the code into the visual studio code and the code flashing is sucessfully completed then i want to cross verify the logs weather is it my code or not in the cube orange+,how i check the logs from the cube orange+

  1. Commit your changes to a git branch.
  2. Take a look at the git SHA hash of the latest commit
  3. Complie and flash the FW
  4. When booting it will tell you the git SHA hash that is running in the Mission Planner status messages

If the hashes match your code is running.

i didnot understand bro what you saying can you expalin clearly

What exactly did you not understand?

did you google for “git SHA hash”?