How to read IMU Batch Sampler data?

Hi, everyone.

I’m an Ardupilot newbie. I would like to learn more about IMU Batch Sampler. I have developed some vibration analysis tools (MatLab/Octave based scripts) and I would check my own external vibration data against CUAV X7 board internal data.
I need to know how to assembly the vibration data based on ISBD and ISBH data sets.

Can anyone tell me were can I find information about it?

have you looked at ardupilog for matlab?

Hi! I’ve tried many internet searches without finding useful information.
I’ve just found a Python script, but I don’t have the knowledge to make it work.

You have not answered my question.

And you have not explained which python script you found. And where you found it.

I didn’t found any MatLab based tool. I’ve started my search looking for MatLab/Octave tools.

This is the Python script I found:

google “ardupilog” and you will get this:

There is also something from Mathworks:

Yes, that script is a very good source.

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I’ll take a look. Thanks a lot!