How to put APM 2.8.4 flight controller into DFU mode?

I have changed the hardware (wire,esc,motor) but the problem still exists

I have done a quick check on youtube for “how to setup an apm” and this came up, I had a look though it and it looks like it should get you started with what versions you need etc.

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An APM how-to video from only 1yr ago. Good find as I would not have thought anyone would spend time to create one.

I have used mission planner from the year 2015 and firmware stable version 3.2.1 but the same problem exists… so I think do i have to reseat the apm board i mean do i have to erase the last firmware if yes then how ??

dont touch the DFU pin. remove any jumpers you added. you dont need to flash the firmware on the 32u4 chip.

no I am not doing anything with dfu pin … actually i watched a video that you need to reset the apm board before uploading any other firmware version so how to reset it ??

what part of the video?

i mean in 1-2 video i saw that you need to reset apm board before uploading any other firmware

you dont need to reset anything if its never been used. just follow the video i posted.

What part of “You cannot do that,” do you not understand?

The part about using an APM flight controller. So I’ll put it to you in plain English: You cannot use an APM flight controller and anyone who says you can is setting you up to fail.

Bro if you only want to make a drone flyable you can use a Arduino Uno r3 and a mpu6050 both will cost you less than 350 rupees or 4 usd. There’s also a video from joop brokking on YouTube and this is the link for the website on which you can find all the codes and nessary stuff - Project YMFC-AL - The Arduino auto-level quadcopter - Home. you can also check the STM32 version but I wasn’t personally able to make that flyable but I got very good results with the Arduino Uno version just remember to properly balance the props and you are good to go.