I have a BLDC controller rated for 24-48v, but does this mean
- This controller can be used with BLDC rated for 24-48v? And I have to feed it the voltage the BLDC is rated for? This means I need a DC-DC to convert my battery voltage to exactly 24v? (It’s 2000 watts, not sure I can find a converter with that high output.)
- Or does it mean the power source can be between 24-48v? But I have to somehow tell it the BLDC I am using is 24v?
Is there a better way to do this I am not thinking of?
For reference, the BLDC motor I am using has 8 pins
- U, W, V (standard 3 pole)
- Hu, Hw, Hv (For Hall sensors)
- 5v, GND (I think this is for the Hall sensor)
Can I plug this into sensorless-ESCs and just not connect the Hall sensors?