How to particpate and support the development team?

Hello APM Planner Team,

very big respect for the work you are giving to us!

I like to participate and support your work. How can I involve myself?

[li] Submitting software [color=#FF0000]issue[/color]s on github.
Allready done at
Is there a documentation about how you want us to write issues on github, maybe a template?
If not, I would be happy to write such a guide how to write an issue report including how to search for dublicates :wink: .[/li]
[li] Submitting new [color=#FF0000]feature request[/color]s.
Where and how shall I do it? Submit feature requests as issue on github?[/li]
[li] Enhence [color=#FF0000]user guide[/color], e.g. How To’s, use case descriptions, screen descriptions, state diagrams or best practises.
Shall I post as new topic including screenshots to this forum?
Can I update to include links to this forum and
Can I update github’s wiki to point to this forum and[/li]
[li] Enhence [color=#FF0000]developer guide[/color].
Where to put information for developers like setup of Qt Creator, release strategy, branching or configuration management plan, coding guidelines, software design / architecure overview, documentation of build system?[/li][/ul]

Found sources:
[li]This forum holds some information as well as some issue reports.[/li]
[li]On is a partial user guide that seems to be maintained by 3DR.[/li]
[li]On is a wiki with no page.[/li]
[li]Within repository on githib ( are several files with some documentation:
Installation instruction:
Read-Me file:[/li][/ul]

My recommendation:
Create all the documentation within code repository in a mergeable syntax and publish with each release during release/build process to
Maybe use two streams: relase and daily



Hello Bjoern

Thank you for your comments and your interest in our project.

I like to participate and support your work. How can I involve myself?

I am actively looking for developers to work on this project. Are you familiar with Qt and MAVlink?

Submitting software issues on github.
yes please

Is there a documentation about how you want us to write issues on github, maybe a template?
If not, I would be happy to write such a guide how to write an issue report including how to search for dublicates

There currently is not but yes, it would be great to have something like this

Where and how shall I do it? Submit feature requests as issue on github?
Yes, github

Maybe use two streams: relase and daily
You can find those here

We hold developer discussions on Skype.
I will contact you by PM to discuss further involvement.



I would prefer if issues and enhancements went through the support forum first. Its much better to discuss them here to get a more discussion on them, before raising in GitHub issues list. This then weeds out any that really are just support, and keeps gitbub issues focused on the task we need to do.

Thanks, Bill