How to make the TFMINI rangefinder talk I2C

I don’t have the new model on hand unfortunately, so I cannot really help.

You ma try resetting to factory default or reflash firmware

I found a solution after emailing with benewake support. When Tfmini plus is in i2c mode you can’t communicate with it via the tf gui software anymore, as it only works in uart mode. The only solution is to connect the tfmini plus in i2c mode to a arduino and communicate with it via i2c. There can be found a great repository from budryerson, which enables you to send various commands to the tfmini plus, e.g. switching back to uart or changing framerate or I2c - adress.
Hope this helps if anyone had similar problems.
So my advice to users who like to prefer to change settings with tfgui and want to operate in i2c mode of tfmini plus:
First, ensure you have entered all needed changes into command console, then save settings and as LAST command switch to i2c mode!


This is really helpful!
But I have a little problem. I already upload the code into my pro mini at the moment. In mission planner, Rangefinder 1 always show the value of 11 cm.

I just found out that using TFMini library should work as well

Hi , this is Yuzhi from Benewake, product manager of TFmini. We have an upgrade version which called TFmini-S, we would like to invite you to try out TFmini-S for free, are you interested in this?
My email is Hope your swift feedback.

Yes, I send you info, Thanksz

Hi ppoirier,

Have you connected both the PX4flow and TF Mini Lidar separately to the I2C Splitter? I am planning to to combine TF Mini Plus lidar with PX4flow sensor for gps denied operation. Can I independently connect both the lidar and the optical flow sensor?

You van connect many devices on the same I2C bus, as longs as they have different addresses and sufficient power supply

Hi Pporier,

Thanks for getting back. Can you please send me the connection diagram between TF Mini Plus and the PX4flow optical flow sensor? Going by the ardupilot site I understand that there needs to be a rangefinder to pop out the height from the ground level. But then I am not able to clarify whether there needs to any fusion to be done via soldering the sensor and the lidar. Also how do I make the data fusion between the both? Kindly let me know. Thanks much for your time.