How to make an extra motor run very slow (60 rpm)

I have a hexacopter and I want to run a seventh motor to power a revolving plate, but I want it to revolve very slowly, at approximately 60 rpm. I have an old motor which is a 1100kv motor, that I was hoping to use for this if possible. I want to be able to use a switch on my radio to start and stop it, on channel 7.

Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

you will need a FOC controller like vesc to or simpleFOC to turn a motor smoothly at such low RPM.

After having a proper foc ESC you can use RC passtrough from a RC transmitter potentiometer channel to find the proper pwm. Once you found it program a RC transmitter switch to give that fixed pwm out.

Start off with a gimbal motor. 1100kv is way too high for that RPM.

Dave mentioned a gimbal motor, but a continuous servo would work here too (if you donโ€™t need it to be super smooth).


Thatโ€™s a good idea. This one has been suggested before:
Continuous servo

Yep - hitec has some metal gear ones as well.

Bilda for beefier ones too: 2000 Series Dual Mode Servo (25-3, Speed) - goBILDA