How to intrepret multipliers in .bin log files?

this is my first post, I don’t know if I’m asking in the right place, if I chose wrong I apologize :slight_smile:

I have a question, I have a .bin file from a flight, I convert to *.*mat in ArduCopter V4.3.7 on linux Ubuntu 22. I process the data to and send to Python3. I don’t have Maltab only free Octave hence to intentionally work with Pytohn. In Pandas I get results and graphs from the flight but I have a problem:

Time = f(acceleration):
Graph in Ardu - acceleration axis -10 to 10, time axis from 0 sec to 5 sec and it’s ok,
In Octave I read the acceleration axis the same value, time 0 to about 2.5 sec
Graph in Python as in Octave: acceleration -10 to 10, time from 0 to about 2.5 sec - but the graph is identical to that in Adru. I completely don’t understand this, why I have the time in Python 2x smaller on the x-axis, while the graph is the same,

Can I ask for help in solving this problem.
Thank you very much in advance.

Each data element contains unit information and multiplier information.
You need to take the multiplier information into consideration in order to display the data correctly (sometimes the data is scaled by a 2 multiplier like in the case you just mention)
The unit is also very important. You really need to know if the data is in Cm (centi-meters) or if it is in m (meters)

More info here Adding a new Log Message — Dev documentation and in the source code.

Thank you for the information and the link :slight_smile: