How to install QGroundControl on Jetson Orin Nano?

As QGroundControl software doesn’t provide binary relase for Jetson Orin Nano.

Does anyone have successful build on this? Any link or info is well appreciated.

I have searched forum, only got this I can't QGC for Nvidia Jetson Nano - #4 by bahadirbolat

PS: I can’t get this build right now! QGroundControl(QT 6.6.3) build on Jetson Orin Nano failed #11524

Hi Daniel, I am trying to figure out how to connect the Jetson Orin Nano to an cubepilot ? May I ask how you did it ?

Well, it’s off the topic. And currently I haven’t connect Jetson Orin Nano to the FC yet.

Let’s back to you proposal “how to connect the Jetson Orin Nano to an cubepilot”, there are two ways:

A: Connect FC with serial port
B: Connect FC with mavlink API, which might be from telemetry (WiFi/433M/4G etc.)

FYI: My setup for Rpanion & Ardupilot guide on HowTo

I seems a dead end here How to sucessfully build QGC on Jetson Orin Nano? · Issue #11614 · mavlink/qgroundcontrol · GitHub