Honestly gstreamer is the most powerful piece of video software out there, that is also by far the most confusing! Ive spent ages scouring all the forums, but alas, I have not found conclusions.
I did a standard install of gstreamer, it would get to qground control, but not mission planner. (On windows 10 _ 64bit) . (also latest stable versions of qgroundcontrol and mission planner).
I can only figure that is because of the gstreamer version.
So now I figure I need to install gstreamer version 1.9.2 on my raspberry pi.
but it seems like it would only install the latest gstreamer version. There are pages where you can download the version you need, but how do you install all the correct libraries and environment requirements?
I have had this working before on the same raspberry pi, I have no idea how i did it, i was following all sorts of blogs and installing all sorts of things, this time i am trying to do everything properly and document it. (i will happily make a video tutorial for this, and documents you can add to the main github guide book, as this is something that soaks up endless hours for newbies!).
ok ive found a straight forward install plan, unfortunately its still only getting to qgroundcontrol and not mission planner, but erghghgh im a bit over it now. Will just stream it to a gstreamer script so i can view the video.
I also saw in another blog that pushing “ctrl f” will bring up the secret mission planner menu, that has a gstreamer option. Although the secret menu pops up, there is no option for gstreamer. (mission planner is on windows 10, 64bit, latest versions of everything).