Hi everyone.
To better understand the log data, I’d like to know which IMU in Ardupilot is which in the Cube Orange Plus we are using.
Here you can find a table for the sensors in the CubeOrangePlus: ICM42688, ICM20648, ICM20948. The first is not isolated, the other two are.
Connecting a Cube to MP and checking Setup->MandatoryHardware->HW ID I can find INS_ICM42688, INS_ICM20948, INS_ICM20649. So the first IMU is the same in both, the other IMUs have swapped places and one IMU seems to be different: (ICM20648 vs INS_ICM20649).
Checking the hwdef agrees to the HW ID info, but ICM42688 is titled as both IMU0 and IMU1 there and IMU2 contains ICM45686.
So my guess would be:
- The first IMU is the non-isolated ICM42688
- The second IMU is the ICM20948
- The third IMU is the ICM20649 and there is a typo on the cubepilot website.
Are my conclusions correct?
Why would the non-isolated IMU be the first one when (if I understood correctly) the first core of the EKF uses the first IMU?