How to export all log parameters from .bin file?

Yes, that is correct

Th software is python and runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS

@amilcarlucas My apologies, I don’t think I am understanding correctly. Your script outputs the same as earlier, which is not the complete data outputs from mavlogdump. I would like to extract the data from the .bin file, as shown in the following link:
For example, below is a screenshot of the outputs from the GPS parameter using that align with the attributes in the GPS param (in link above):

Your script earlier and the one you shared only provide me with these outputs

Could you provide guidance? As I mentioned, I would like all the parameter outputs from this link:Onboard Message Log Messages β€” Copter documentation as either csv or json files.

Sorry for my inexpertise, I will begin to review the Ardupilot dev tutorials as I realize I have alot to learn :rofl:

What you want are called messages, not parameters.

The script can output parameter values or parameter default values. And it should be very easy to modify for your needs. The source code is at:

code is linted and has tests on the unitests directory. Have fun with it.