How to explicitly retrieve time for analysis from AdruCopter V4.3.7?


I have another question on the same topic. (I have been working with Ardu since a week so I am learning it :slight_smile: . However, the data I get 1 is not the time but the dimensionless value on the y-axis. How to go (where to find in *log or in Ardu information about the coefficient) to the x-axis so that in the formulas I have time? Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Hello, you could right click and check the Show Point Values. It will show you time and data.

This I know but I need to download all the time[sec] to e.g. txt or csv, log… to work on math formulas in Python.

If you have a .tlog you can convert it in .txt and the use the Tlog Data Extractor.

This will help you do exactly what you need. If you need instructions I can help you.

Extracting data from tlog files for plotting in Excel.pdf (120.9 KB)

Hello, thank you for your help, I will do according to these instructions, but if I have a problem I would be happy to get help, Greetings :smiley:

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I made a topic: as if someone needed this solution: a[10^6]/1000000/60 → t[s]. Greetings.