How to display GCS location when it has GPS?


I would like to know how to display the current GCS location when it has a GPS attached.
a) The GPS may be installed to provide RTK corrections for fixed or moving baseline, or
b) it may just be a USB GPS installed to provide the GCS location for visualisation, or
c) it may be installed for “Follow Me” functionality, accessed via the Control F menu.

If it is not currently possible could I recommend this as a feature improvement please ? It would seem most of the code is already there to be able to read in an external USB GPS as it is used for the Follow Me function.

Thank you,

a. currently rtk base location is shown on the map already.
b. usb gps is a little generic. ie there are a few formats here
c. follow me will show on the map as well.

Thank you for following up on this. I guess i might need some better instructions as I can’t make it work !!
I have a here+ RTK base station connected and it has a valid solution as shown below.

The red cross is this image is approximately where i am, but there is no symbol on the map showing my locaiton. I do note that even moving the cursor around there is no co-ord or altitude shown in the bottom left, where you can select the co-ord type such as GEO, UTM or MGRS. No idea if this is related. How do I display the location ?

I have also put the unit in Follow Me mode using the same here+ GPS connected via USB.

As you can see it appears to have a valid position but there is no marker on the map.

Please let me know what I have to do to make it appear.


update your mission planner

Hello Mr Oborne,
I see that follow me function embedded in mission planner use guided mode.

Copter include ability to follow leader that use gps pos of another mav to track it position and with foll params on copter we can set relative offset for the follower mav follow at offset distance in respect of the leader.

There is possible to update follow me function to work as leader? Like this there is no need to enter in guided mode and also its more safe instead of have our drone right up of our position