How to create a GUI for the Pixhawk

Hello everyone,

I would like to create a very basic Ground Control Software or just create a GUI based on the information of an existing Ground Control Software like Mission planner for the Pixhawk 2.4.8.

pymavlink should get you started, but your stated intent is so broad, there really isn’t any more specific advice to give. Seems you’re reinventing the wheel…

Hello @Dartherick ,

As @Yuri_Rage said, if it is not really necessary, do not reinvent the wheel… if your problem with Mission Planner is related to Windows, try QGroundControl, it is a very nice GUI and it is multi-platform (runs in Windows, Mac, Linux and Android).

Hello @Yuri_Rage & @BrunoBagarini

I don’t having any issues with mission planner or QGroundControl, the reason is that I need to make a graphical interface for a university project. I have to make a drone capable of detecting and locating fires that has a graphical interface where I can see its location and the location of the fire

Hello @Dartherick,

Now I see it better… when I were younger I made my graduation thesis based on a drone project. And I think at that time I was making the same mistake as you, like trying to develop a very new system which would require, in the industrial world, tenths of developers with a very nice budget and lots of time… at the end I just achieve a not so useful documentation of things I was just trying to replicate for myself.

So if I have an advice for you, try to narrow your project escope, and try to understand what really lacks in ardupilot or your GCS (QGC or MP) to achieve your goals, clone the repos and work locally on a minimal ammount of work which would satisfy your requirements.

In order to better understand the general functioning of it, take a look on the User`s guides. If you need to develop something, take a look on the dev guide in order to understand the source-code and the setup of dev environment.

I hope this can help you my friend!

Ok, strongly recommend pymavlink for ease of use. Your basic requirements seem easy enough to implement. You shouldn’t have to parse too many messages to get that data and display it in a basic QT or even PyGame window (or even easier - output to a live KML file that is updated and displayed on Google Earth).