How to Control a Quadcopter using APM 2.6 without using RC

[b]Hi everyone,

I am using apm 2.6, and I want to make my quadcopter flies without gps, and I found this tutorial … etup_guide , it says that I can use the stabilize mode because this mode does not need gps. But the problem is in my project I can’t use RC stick, I have to control it from the computer. Could you help me to figure out how can I do that??

I want to make it fly indoor, so the GPS will not work. I have bought radio telemetries, but I could not find any tutorial about using laptop to control the quadcopter. Can you guide me, please?
Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

As. Moh[/b]

Maybe you can try an 3G wireless module to control the copter?