How to configure ArduPlane for V-Tail glider?

This will be my first AP v-tail glider, but I can’t find anywhere in the wiki information on how to set up a v-tail. Yes, the servo functions are there, but the scraps of setup information that I can find scattered around are contradictory. Does this not deserve a section in the wiki? Where to look?
Thanks, all.
this might be a good place to start from

I once found this part, but could never find it again.
If you search on V-tail, v-tail, or anything without the additional word “planes”, you get no hits.Even with the addition of the word “plane” one gets no hits. It’s that miraculous “s” that makes it work.
Now, is that reasonable? Sheesh. We can improve the search engine to eliminate this, and we should.

it‘s the first google hit i get when searching „arduplane v-tail“

There’s definitely something wrong with the search function in the wiki though…
A search for “v-tail” comes up empty, but a search for “vtail” finds stuff with “v-tail”