First of all, thank you very much for the information. I use an rc-factory airplane - the Yak55. In ACRO mode it flies “almost” quite well, but at some point it starts to steer up and down like a dolphin in a fast rhythm. Then I have no way of influencing it with the remote control … it crashes. Do the filters also have an influence? In FBWA the airplane cannot be controlled at all by remote control. Is this due to the text mentioned above?
You might want to start a different thread because planes are a different beast when it comes to tuning compared to copters. Planes will fly without compass no problem, and (I’ve never done it) I think they’ll do non-GPS flight without significant issue as well. It sounds to me like you have a tuning issue, unrelated to GPS/Compass setup.
Start a new thread with a .bin log of your flight and we’ll see what’s going on.
I’m not ok, with beta flight you cannot connect range finder to avoid walls in altold!!!
there is some applications where fligh without gps is very usefull.
Also all other navigation solution for indoor fligh are very limited and non reliable.
lighting, type of wall, textured or not, shape, reflective or not, depth of field with several objects or not, ground clear or not…
radio positioning system:
very sensitive to materials and echoes.
All theses solutions are much environement sensitive, they work on laboratory but not the real world…all theses solutions finish by crashing the uav (exept prohibitve ultra expensived military solutions that I never found for ardupilot).
So it’s mandatory to be able to use ardupilot without gps/compass without navigation in manual mode (stabilize althold) for use the uavs where with gps or other solutions are not reliable at the cost to be a good pilot.
When indoor rock solid solutions will exists we will be able to always have the capability for indoor navigation.
For example those uavs that clean the building walls, always experience places on the building where the gps (even with rtk) conduct to dangerous situations.
So for the places where the uav canot rely on effective position/speed source, altold mode is perfect.
Also ardupilot is already capable to use a large pannel of sensor that work to help the pilot to fly in althold in theses places with more security. Each user can already dev there own lua script to adapt theses features to there cases.
I hope to have a chance to fly the uav in althold without navigation capabilitys with the help of rangefinders.
bf is quite easy to use with it’s friendly GUI configurator. And it’s quite good at flight dynamics.
I think they are implementing some features like posHold. If you want to use althold, then try inav, and Althold is not for object avoidance, such as walls.