How to configre ardupilot without GPS and compass?

Hi guys, I’m using kakuteF7 AIO to fly copter 4.3.

I don’t have GPS module and there is no compass on board also. Is there any guide avaliable for me to follow?

Any suggestion is well appreciated.

And I 'm currently stucked at “PreArm: AHRS EKF3 not started”.

I did follows, but in vain.

  • COMPASS_ENABLE = 0, disabled compass.
  • Set AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2, EKF3_ENABLE = 0, when reboot the board, it fallback to AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 3, EKF3_ENABLE = 1.


There is documentation on “non GPS based navigation ArduCopter”.
Just google for it

Yes, I read this link before. But it didn’t suit my situation.

I hate to say it, but if you don’t want to provide navigation data to the autopilot or use those features, maybe Betaflight is a better option…

My GPS module is coming on the road, I just wanna fly without it first.

To fly without GPS you need the stuff I told you.
Or you could fly in acro mode …

VTX system is NOT installed, acro is a little bit difficult for me. Anyway, it can fly in stabilized mode.

First of all, thank you very much for the information. I use an rc-factory airplane - the Yak55. In ACRO mode it flies “almost” quite well, but at some point it starts to steer up and down like a dolphin in a fast rhythm. Then I have no way of influencing it with the remote control … it crashes. Do the filters also have an influence? In FBWA the airplane cannot be controlled at all by remote control. Is this due to the text mentioned above?

You might want to start a different thread because planes are a different beast when it comes to tuning compared to copters. Planes will fly without compass no problem, and (I’ve never done it) I think they’ll do non-GPS flight without significant issue as well. It sounds to me like you have a tuning issue, unrelated to GPS/Compass setup.

Start a new thread with a .bin log of your flight and we’ll see what’s going on.

Update, it’s quite stable with optical flow sensor.