Need help, siyi reciever and mk15 radio, pixhawk 2.4.8. apd PDB, 60a Skywalker v2 ubec esc, Siri pmu, Rockstar 4114. Everything works except esc calibration, cannot get ESC to pick up signal from the radio. Mk 15s are center stick radios, so I think that’s the problem but I’ve tried all the tricks setting end points ect. Works with the x6 escs, but I can’t for the life of me get them to calibrate, watched all vids, any help would be appreciated, yes Iessed with mot_spin_min/max and nope.
You have two options, you can either use automatic ESC calibration or manually put sticks in the correct positions.
Tried to set esc_option to auto calibration and still nothing, only thing I can think of is to used a frisky radio and reciever tune it to those end points, then match them with the siyi radio, may try rubber banding the stick to calibrate it, just found out Skywalkers are switched, damn,