How to assign the same rc channel to more than one function?

Not trying to do anything fancy I just want to assign the same channel twice. I’m trying to use one channel to both arm and toggle motor interlock on a trad heli.

Not sure of the wisdom of doing that but do it on your Transmitter.

I don’t understand what you mean by do it on my transmitter. On my TX I have a 2-pos switch assigned to an RC channel. This is all of the TX side config that needs to be done as far as I know. The FC sees that channel and it works for a single function. I want to again assign it to a second function so it can do more than one thing with a single channel to more efficiently use my RC channels. This is possible on other firmware and easy to do even in the gui but I cant figure out how to do it in ardupilot. Maybe its a limitation of ardupilot.

Best get an answer on your Traditional Heli post.

The post are not related other than that in my case they are both alternatives to the same problem in this one case.

Is it not possible to assign an RC channel to more than one function in ardupilot?

Not so far as I know.

If you’re using an H7 autopilot, the desired behavior could be easily scripted.

But there’s probably a reason these functions are separated. I am not an expert in Trad Heli. @bnsgeyer?

AFIK its an added safety feature. Large helis and even small ones can cause a lot of damage and are comparatively a higher safety risk than other rc aircraft. Never the less, I am using this on a pretty small heli and would like a simpler startup/arming process and would like to save an RC channel if possible.

Its possible its a leftover part of the RCS not being directly controlled by the radio in the ardupilot governor mode though.

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