How do I fix a Slow Parameter load and Timeout errors

Urgent Please Help, Trying to use MP to control 4-5 quads through RFD900, However when connecting to them it takes forever to load parameters to mission planner. Current settings for RFD900X are:

Baud: 115200
Airspeed: 125
Duty Cycle:100
Max Window: 80
Mavlink : raw data
ECC: Not selected
RTS CTS: Not selected
Op Resend: Not selected
AES Encr: Not selected

On some attempts during connection I get the following time out errors:

Under the advice offered by similar posts I disabled BRD_SER1_RTSCTS but no change

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have connected with the quads using Skybrush and have no issues with connection and parameter loading. But that software does not allow me to do what I need to. Therefore I am confident the RFD900 is correctly setup with the RFD900 Tools for Multi Mode operation.

A copy of the Parameter tree file being used:

swarm_param_V1.0.param (21.0 KB)

You’ll likely need to lower the telemetry rates that Mission Planner requests: Telemetry / Serial Port Setup — Copter documentation

Enable the mavlink option in the radios. It will auto throttle the rates then

Michael could you please explain this further as My RF900s have SR6 set to mavlink. and the serial protocol for the connection is set to MAVLINK2.