How do I convert .bin to .log?

I have a Pixhawk with FW3.1.1 that I a trying to read the log files from to see what caused a loss of power event.
I tried using APM Planner 2.0 on the Mac, and the log files seem cut off before the end of the flight where the event took place (this was very buggy and difficult to get the files downloaded, btw).
Then I found a note here about how the Pixhawk logs should be transfered as .bin files from the SDCard. Got that done. I also saw some conflicting information that the vehicle stores the .bin and .log files on the card, however only .bin files were found.
So now I have 28 .bin files and no idea what to do with them. Is there some kind of convertor program?

MissionPlanner will just read them in the .bin format.

APM Planner on the Mac, not so much. I am not aware of a way to convert them to text files but I’m sure it can be done. Or at least I would think so, but I haven’t looked for a tool to do so.


It appears Mission Planner has the ability to convert .bin to .log files. (See attached screen shot).


I have no idea how you’d do this on a Mac w/o a VM and Mission Planner.

OK, good news.

It appears APM Planner 2.0.8 will in fact read .bin logs, whereas 2.07 didn’t when I tried a minute ago. but I was prompted to upgrade, I did and it opened and parsed a .bin log file.

Good luck.

[quote=“mdisher”]OK, good news.

It appears APM Planner 2.0.8 will in fact read .bin logs, whereas 2.07 didn’t when I tried a minute ago. but I was prompted to upgrade, I did and it opened and parsed a .bin log file.

Good luck.[/quote]

Shit, scratch that. While it opens them, it doesn’t generate good numbers. Perhaps at least in the ATT section I think it’s decimal place is off by one.

If you zip up your .bin files and post them where I can get them I’ll try and convert them for you, or post up if you find a better way.


That’s disappointing. So is there no way on Mac OSX to use the logging feature of the Pixhawk?

(and before anyone else says “just use parallels or vmware and run windows and the run mission planner” - yes I know I can do that but that is not the question at hand - thanks)

Sigh. Did this get fixed for mac? I’m trying to find a way to view pixhawk .bin files on linux. In Mission Planner 1.2.97 the files don’t show up in the “.bin to .log” file browser because it only shows .bin (lowercase) files, while pixhawk produces .BIN (uppercase) logs. So I figured that out and renamed the files. However, when I try to do the conversion I get this error:

^T^T^Tlog4net:WARN Cannot RollFile [/home/aaron/arducopter/binary/MissionPlanner/MissionPlanner.log.1] -> [/home/aaron/arducopter/binary/MissionPlanner/MissionPlanner.log.2014-04-22.1]. Source does not exist

Looks like apmplanner2 (the new MissionPlanner / QGroundControl lovechild) doesn’t have a way to analyze the .bin yet either. Maybe mavproxy can save the day yet again…?

APM Planner 2.0.8 can analyse *.bin files. From the graph tab select ‘Load Log’ at the bottom and you can open the *.bin file and graph it etc. Also you can see all the data in the table.

Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a method to convert *.bin to *.log in APM Planner 2. This feature available on Mission Planner is very handy as once in the *.log format you can use Excel for extra analysis e.g checking ERR and EV messages without scrolling through the whole file!

Maybe this feature will be added to APM Planner 2?