How do I connect the Esc in Quadplane Vtol?

I’m making it using Pixhawk for the first time
Fc is Pixhawk 2.4.8. Based on Mini Talon, I’m making it vtol (quadplane).
Please refer to the picture.

I’m not sure how to connect Quad motor Esc and Push motor Esc during production.
I would appreciate it if you could let me know the configuration layout (or wiring diagram) data and what parts I need.

Quad motors: (T-motor air gear 350) AIR2213 920KV
Quad ESCs: Hobbywing Platinum 30A
Quad props: T9545 (9.5x4.5)

Push motor: [SUNNYSKY] X2216 1250KV Outrunner Brushless Motor
Push mortor ESC: MR-X4
Push prop : 9x4.7SFP

battery: 4s 5200mah (xt60)

You might want to start by reading the wiki: QuadPlane Setup — Plane documentation

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