How can I prevent arming from Mission Planner if throttle is not at 0

All of that makes sense.

Indeed, I am using “Report Only” for the simple avoidance action. I use BendyRuler obstacle avoidance.

For what it’s worth, I’ll chime in to say I use exclusion fences the same as Yuri.

Also, on the subject of arming, I typically arm before I crank my mower. Occasionally I will arm after it is cranked and then it is at idle. Personally, I am fine with only having the “RC Channels” arming check enabled.

Re @Yuri_Rage 's comment higher, “disable most if not all arming checks because I store it in a garage where it cannot get GPS lock and therefore cannot get a valid yaw source” this is an issue that we should certainly fix and it is on the issues list (see first item in this issue)

Re the fence checks… If we add an exception to allow arming in Manual if the Fence action is set as “Report Only” I think we should do the same for Copter as well because inconsistent behaviour across vehicles adds confusion. TBH, I’m a little reluctant to change this because in the Copter world the way people enforce GPS lock before takeoff in stabilize mode is to enable the fence like this… so basically it is competing requests - one person wants to also have GPS lock even in manual modes. Another does not.

… i don’t know… if we enable the fences then we need to know where the vehicle is… if not then we risk sudden unexpected fence failsafes at the moment the vehicle does first get a position estimate.

@iampete did provide an adequate workaround. It seemed counterintuitive at first, but I wasn’t aware of the bigger picture. If my case is too specific to warrant a change to the arming checks, I can live with a scripted or RC commanded solution to disable fences as needed.

I do appreciate the look into the separate but somewhat related moving baseline/yaw initialization and arming issue.

I have to rephrase my deleted post:
For me the RC_Option parameter does prevent arming from RC and Missionplanner with Ardurover 4.1. When I try to arm in Missionplanner with throttle not in the middle a message pops up, asking if I wish to “Force Arm”. I have “Arming Check” enabled, but with a custom selection of checks.

@count74, that is desired behavior and what we found by kind of going the LONG way around to get the very simple answer to the original problem.

I’m glad that it came up, though, since we’ve had some good discussion in the aftermath about the way arming checks are implemented.

Yeah, I just noticed I missed the post where Kenny resolved the issue…

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